Author Archives: admin-sam
AFC Telford Utd celebrates co-operation on and off the pitch
A FOOTBALL club that is owned and managed by its fans will be celebrating the part its co-operative status played in its revival of fortunes this weekend. At Co-operatives Congress – the annual conference of the co-operative movement – fans … Continue reading
Entrepreneur shares sweet taste of success
THE sweet taste of success has been shared with businesses in the region, after syrup entrepreneur John Taylerson joined the board of the North Wiltshire Economic Partnership. John, a high-flying marketing executive who gave it all up to build a … Continue reading
Coffee company aims to take Fairtrade ‘to the next level’
A COFFEE company that aims to take Fairtrade ‘to the next level’ has won a major plaudit – being named one of the most innovative co-operative businesses in the country. At the movement’s annual conference, Co-operative Congress, from Friday 24 … Continue reading
UK solar energy first for Warwickshire
WHAT are believed to be the UK’s first community-owned solar power plants to be sited at hospitals will be built in Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon, it was announced this week. And local people will be able to play a part in … Continue reading
UK’s second largest community-owned solar plant to be built in Gloucester
THE SECOND largest community-owned solar power plant in the UK is to be built in Gloucester, it was revealed this week. A bank of 190 solar panels will be installed on the roof of City Works, home of Gloucestershire Resource … Continue reading
Tiger Tiger burns bright at awards
After a decade of doing a roaring trade, Marlborough gift and homewares outlet Tiger Tiger has earned its stripes – being named the best gift retailer in the region. At the prestigious Greats Awards – sponsored by Progressive Gifts and … Continue reading
Bright new future for 100-year-old Co-op building
A former co-operative department store that celebrates its 100th anniversary this month could be saved from dereliction – thanks to the formation of a new co-operative. A group of community stalwarts in Leek, Staffordshire want to reopen the Co-operative Emporium … Continue reading
Children’s book illustrator scoops award
The adventures of a hare, a turtle and a duck have won a professional illustrator an accolade from international book publisher PanMacmillan. Gone Fishing, by Chantal Bourgonje, has been Highly Commended by the judges in the Macmillan Prize for Children’s … Continue reading
Antiques come with fascinating histories
With the Queen’s visit to Ireland making headlines around the world this week, an unusual piece of Irish political history is attracting interest from antiques collectors. Being offered for sale by auctioneers Moore Allen & Innocent in Cirencester is a … Continue reading
Traces of Roman history at 17th century property
Traces of the two periods from which modern day Cirencester inherited its wealth and status are evident at one of the town’s oldest residential properties, for sale through estate agent Moore Allen & Innocent. Number 7 Gloucester Street was built … Continue reading